Gradinita Buratino din Bulgaria cauta parteneri Erasmus +

Dear colleagues,

Below is the profile of a preschool kindergarten looking for potential partners under Erasmus+ programme.

Could you please disseminate their profile to relevant organisations in your region. The contact e-mail is beneath the information of the organisation.

Thank you in advance.


We are  a pre – primary school called „Buratino” from Bulgaria, the town of Kazanlak,  in the famous Valley of

Roses.  Our region is famous for its hereditary of the ancient  Thracian culture.

Our students are between 3 – 7 years old . They are divided into 4 groups by age. In the pre primary school the

children have the possibility to deal with different activities as Music., Bulgarian and English Languages, Art, Dance.

There they  achieve different skills. In our pre primary school we present many performances connected with the

traditions in our region. We would be glad to take part as  a partner in a  future common project.

My name is Stefka Gancheva and I’m a manager of the school.

The person at the position of contact is Iskra Spasova.

E mai:l

We are waiting for your reply.

Best wishes

Stefka Gancheva

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