Am scris parlamentarilor europeni pledând pentru reguli mai stricte de transparență și de etică în UE

Dear Member of the European Parliament,
I am an EU citizen from Botosani, Romania and I’m writing because I am
worried about the excessive lobbying influence of big business on European
decision-making. I am concerned that the present code of conduct for our
elected EU representatives is too weak and allows conflicts of interest to
My personal message to you:
„I believe strongly that the EU needs more transparent and ethical
I understand that on 12 September the committee on constitutional affairs, in
which you have a voice, will vote on a report entitled “Transparency,
accountability and integrity in the EU institutions”. This vote will have a
major influence on the way the EU institutions, and especially the European
Parliament, are perceived by the public. It is an opportunity for MEPs to
lead the debate on these important issues and to show clear commitment to
democratic reform.
With this vote, you have the chance to show your support for a ban on members
of the European Parliament holding second jobs with groups or companies
involved in lobbying the EU institutions. Additionally, you can empower the
parliamentary ethics committee so that it is able to start its own
investigations into alleged conflicts of interest and make public all of its
recommendations, even if the President of the Parliament decides not to take
action. I also support proposals for a ‘legislative footprint’ so that
citizens get a better understanding of who has influenced EU decision-making
processes, on which precise issues and on whose behalf.
I therefore call on you to vote in favour of the report “Transparency,
accountability and integrity in the EU institutions”, especially on the
following points:
1. Ban MEPs from having side jobs with groups or companies involved in
lobbying of the EU institutions
2. Demand a stronger Parliament ethics committee with the powers to initiate
its own investigations into alleged conflicts of interests and share with the
public its recommendations for sanctions
3. Support the strong recommendation to Parliamentarians to publish a
legislative footprint for new laws
As an MEP, you have the power and responsibility to stand up for transparency
and democracy.
I look forward to receiving an answer from you.
Yours sincerely,
Radu Șerban Căjvăneanu
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