The European Commission has released the long-awaited Energy package, gathering legal proposals on energy policies.
Towards an Energy Union based on former 2030 targets and Paris Agreement
The package intends to create an Energy Union based on the principles enounced in February 2015. It is grounded on the targets and commitment announced during the Energy Council in October 2014 ahead of the COP21 Paris Agreement.
The European Union had agreed on EU-wide 2030 targets and policy objectives, based on a 40% emissions reduction, 27% use of renewables and enhanced reliance on energy efficiency with at least 27% energy savings compared with the business-as-usual scenario.
Holistic approach of the Winter Package
The Clean Energy Package sets several legislative framework and proposed targets and measures on
- Energy policy
- Use of renewable resources
- Energy efficiency measures and targets
- Market design initiative
Energy performance of buildings in the spotlight
As part of the energy efficiency package, and based on a consultation opened early 2016, the European Commission has proposed a review of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of relevant articles of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).
The proposal sets renovation targets, minimum performance requirements for existing and new buildings. It furthermore adds provisions on energy performance certificates on inspections.
The proposal is joined by a Staff Working Document showing best practices of improved energy performance in buildings.
Next steps
The legislative institutions, representing the citizens (the European Parliament) and the Member States (the Council of the European Union) shall discuss and agree on equal terms with the proposal.
BUILD UP will inform you on each step of the procedure.
Clean Energy Package highlights relevant to the energy performance of buildings
- Communication from the Commission: Clean Energy for all Europeans
- European Commission: Proposal for a revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
- Evaluation of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings – Commission Staff Working Document
- Impact assessment of the revised energy performance of buildings Directive – Commission Staff Working Document
- European Commission: Proposal for a revised Energy Efficiency Directive
- Putting energy efficiency first: consuming better, getting cleaner – EC Fact Sheet
- European Commission: Proposal for a revised Renewable Energy Directive
- Achieving global leadership in renewable energies – EC Fact Sheet
- Communication from the Commission on an Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019
- Good practices in energy efficiency – Commission Staff Working Document
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